Problem Based Learning in Sport Law
Pacific Northwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business. Seattle, WA, April 2023.
Best Practices for Student Support in Online Graduate Law Programs
Legal Master’s Conference. Philadelphia, PA, March 2023.
Transgender Issues in Sports
K&L Gates: Global Sports Las Symposium. Online, July 2022.
Brave New World of College Athlete Endorsement Compensation
American Bar Association: IP Fall Institute. Online, September 2020.
Signaling Eligibility: Evaluating the Messaging of NCAA Eligibility Requirements to Prospective Student-Athletes
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference. Portland, OR, November 2014.
UND Law Sports Law Student Association
University of North Dakota School of Law. Online, February 2023.
Rules of Law and Identity Management
2Legit Podcast. Online, March 2022.
Collabor8 Conversations
Tada Partners. Online, January 2022.
Women & Wisdom Law School Panel
Alpha Chi Omega. Online, August 2020.
Double Duties
Seattle University Magazine, April 2023.
Seattle U Raises Awareness and Funds for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
The Spectator, Seattle University. April 20, 2022.
The Quick Rise and Fall of Deshaun Watson
The Spectator, Seattle University. May 11, 2021.
FIFA Cards made for Western Athletes
The Western Front, Western Washington University. November 4, 2020.
Making a Mark: The Evolution of Seattle’s Tattoo Culture
The Spectator, Seattle University. February 27, 2020